Saturday, 5 May 2012

One a day!

Yesterday on facebook I took park in what was called 'TIMELINE: May The 4th Be With You.'
See it here
The idea was that during the course of the day, you took a photo of something relating to your life. At the end of the day, when I looked at the photos, it was amazing the variety of things people did.

I can only say it has inspired me to undertake a little project of my own. I an calling it 'One A Day' and my aim is to take one photo about something relating to what I'm up to each day.

I think my life is pretty boring, so I'm really hoping I can find at least one photo opportunity per day.

I'll put it on here and see how it pans out and how long I can keep it up for.

Anyway, here's my first photo - it was taken just after midday today.

It's a photo across the car park of my local Tesco in Bar Hill. I was just on my way out after having been in the shop. Now we say the country's skint, but judging by the amount of cars in the car park, I'm not so sure.
Inside the shop was heaving and there was plenty of money being spent, not just on weekly shopping , but on plenty of luxuries too. TVs, DVDs,  Phones, and loads of other things.

The photo shows just two sections of the car park and what you can see is possibly about a tenth of the car park.